
Yamaha Dirt Bike Serial Number Identification
Yamaha Dirt Bike Serial Number Identification

Yamaha Dirt Bike Serial Number Identification

A VIN does not use the letters I, O or Q to eliminate confusionCompare the 10th digit to the following table to determine the model year: 1981 - A 1982 - B 1983 - C 1984 - D 1985 - E 1986 - F 1987 - G 1988 - J 1989 - K 1990 - L 1991 - M 1992 - N 1993 - P 1994 - R 1995 - S 1996 - T 1997 - V 1998 - W 1999 - X 2000 - Y 2001 - 1 2002 - 2 2003 - 3 2004 - 4 2005 - 5 2006 - 6 2007 - 7 2008 - 8 2009 - 9 2010 - AThis article was written by the It Still Works team, copy edited and fact checked through a multi-point auditing system, in efforts to ensure our readers only receive the best information. It is not uncommon for a motorcycle to be manufactured the year prior to the year it is sold and marketed as.

Yamaha Dirt Bike Serial Number Identification Yamaha Dirt Bike Serial Number Identification

This was the beginning of the Yamaha Monocross machines that changed motocross forever. This VIN can be used to identify the model year.

Yamaha Dirt Bike Serial Number Identification